About E-Library

The Library of S.S.D. Girls' College is the heart of the institution from 1966, since it was established With the objective of inculcating the reading habits among students, 30,000+ books, 12 News paper, 14 Journals & Magazines to cover various interests of users are available in the college library. Librarian Ms. Parveen Kaur administers the resources and materials of the library with the focus on meeting the needs of users. The library fosters the interest of teachers and students in reading books, Computerized circulation of books is accessible with the help of E-Granthalaya Software. Facility of N-List Inflibnet and Delnet Services are available with us. Students and staff members are provided with Ids and passwords to access these e resources. Facilities like air conditioned library, peaceful environment are available. And, The library of our college is paradise for the learners.